
RSS Feed


Sermon Audio:  "Teach Us to Number Our Days"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon Text:  Psalm 90: 1-12


Sermon Audio: " Once Upon a Visit in the Temple"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text:  Luke 2: 22-40


Sermon Audio:  " Jesus, the Firstfruit of Jesse's Tree"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon Text:  John 1: 1-14

12/24/2020 A Children's Christmas Service

Sermon Audio: "What Is The Greatest Gift I Can Give My Child?"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon Text:  Deuteronomy 6: 4-9

12/24/2020 Candlelight Service

Sermon Audio:  "Just Say No!!"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon Text:  Titus 2: 11-14


Sermon Audio: "My Best Laid Plans Are In My Other Pants"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text:  2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16

12/16/2020 Advent 3

Sermon Audio:  " Jesus, the Life of Jesse's Tree"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text:  Matthew 3: 13-17


Rev. Rick Schroeder

Worship Service Audio:  10:45 A.M.

Sermon Audio: " Keep Focused"

Sermon Text:  1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24

12/09/2020 Advent 2

Sermon Audio: "Jesus, the Seed of Jesse's Tree"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon Text:  Genesis 1: 27, 3: 8-15


Sermon Audio:  "Comfort, Comfort..."

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon Text:  Isaiah 40: 1-11

12/02/2020 Advent 1

Sermon Audio: "Jesus, the Seed of Jesse's Tree"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon Text:  Genesis 1: 27, 3: 8-15


Sermon Audio: "Who Will Sustain You to the End?"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9


Sermon Audio: "In Fact Christ Has Been Raised From the Dead"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 15: 20-28


Sermon Audio: " Out of Darkness"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text: Various texts based on readings of the day


Sermon Audio:  "The Coming of the Lord"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text:  1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
