Adult Groups  

Bible Studies

Sunday Morning: 

Adult Bible Class meets from 10:30am – 11:30am in the sanctuary of our church. This Bible Study is led by the Pastor.


Wednesday Morning:

On Wednesday mornings, we have a class that meets at 6:00am. We study Scripture on a wide range of topics. 


Thursday Morning:

On Thursday mornings, we have a class that meets from 9:30am – 10:30am. We study Scripture on a wide range of topics. This Bible Study is led by the Pastor.


Thursday Evening:

Men's Bible Study. The 2nd & 4th Thursday evenings of the month at 6:30pm.


Addtional Offerings:

There are a number of SMALL GROUP bible studies that meet monthly in the homes. These are established groups.  Additional groups can be formed as the need arises. Facilitators are drawn from within these groups. Periodically additional classes are offered that do not meet year round. These are announced as they form.





