
RSS Feed

04/06/2022 Lent 5

Sermon Audio: "Witnesses to Christ: People From His Passion: Pontius Pilate" 

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text: John 19: 1-16


Sermon Audio: " Blood From Stone"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text: Luke 20: 9-20

03/30/2022 Lent 4

Sermon Audio: "Witnesses to Christ: People From His Passion: Barabbas"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text:  John 18: 33-40


"Sermon Audio: Embracing a Lifestyle of Giving Joyfully and Generously"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text: 2 Corinthians 8: 1-7

03/23/2022 Lent 3

Sermon Audio: "Witnesses to Christ: People From His Passion:  Peter"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text:  John 18: 12-27


Sermon Audio:  "Embracing A Commitment to God's Word"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text:  Isaiah 40: 1-8

03/16/2022 Lent 2

Sermon Audio: "Witnesses to Christ: People From His Passion:  Malchus"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text: John 18:1-11


Sermon Audio: "Embracing Your Calling as a Disciple"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon Text: Matthew 16: 24-28

03/09/2022 Lent 1

Sermon Audio: "Witnesses to Christ:  People From His Passion:  Mary, Sister of Lazarus and Martha"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text:  John 12: 1-11


Sermon Audio: " In Heart & Voice"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon Text:  Luke 4: 1-13

03/02/2022 Ash Wednesday

Sermon Audio: "Witnesses to Christ: People From His Passion:  John the Baptist"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text:  John 1: 29-34


Sermon Audio: "Transfiguration"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text:  Luke 9: 28-36


Sermon Audio: "Bless the Lord, O My Soul"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text:  Psalm 103: 1-13


Sermon Audio :"#Blessed"

Rev. Josiah Fitch

Sermon text:  Psalm 1


Sermon Audio: "I Will Praise You For Your Love and Grace"

Rev. Rick Schroeder

Sermon text: Psalm 138
